Monday, April 4, 2011

Here We Go

We finally have a blog and I'm so excited about it!! We can all keep in touch and keep you informed, uplifted and excited for all the activities and great friendships you can make. I really hope this goes well but I'll need all your help to keep it going!
We really wanted to let you know about things going on that may not be appropriate to announce in relief society and also fill you in on the wonderful lessons we have that you may not have been able to hear.
If you have any suggestions, thoughts, ideas or just need some help from some sisters on anything please let us know we are all here to help one another.

Some ideas -
So somethings I've been thing about that should be on the blog is groups, play dates, activities, lessons, etc. I just need your help in the etc! So let me know what you would like to hear about.

- play dates
- scrap booking party
- book clubs
- card exchange
- temple nights
- RS activities

As you can see the list is short but I'd love to know what you would like...even if it's starting a group up. You never know someone out there might enjoy the same thing!

So let me know...I'd also like to put phone numbers (like cell) that we have easy access too. Now I understand that some aren't going to want their information on the web so I will respect that and won't put it on unless I get the ok from you. We could just do first names as well. Whatever you think, I love all ideas!! E-mail me and let me know!!


Heather said...

would anyone be interested in a cooking exchange? Where you make one meal in bulk then we all get together and exchange meals so we have a verity of meals in our freezer. Just an idea.

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